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August 08, 2006


Oh, K.C. - I can relate to your challenges *and* your feelings! We learn so much from our children, don't we? Thank you for sharing this post. God bless!

Your frustration has some company K.C. :-) I know exactly what you mean. On the other hand, I think that my PDD boy has given me a crash course in adaptive parenting and acceptance! I'm much more flexible than I used to be.

It sounds like brother is doing well, even if he is exasperating :-P

I have just posted on my blog re our 9yo and aspergers; if you feel like commenting

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  • Arthur aka Brother, 21
  • Michaela aka Sister, 18
  • Emma aka Honey, 16
  • Jordan aka Pumpkin, 14
  • +Rose Marie, 3/08
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