Dawn tagged me for the Thinking Blogger Award. It's such an honor because, well, she's one of my favorite bloggers and I admire her greatly.
Apparently, I first need to do this:
- Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.
- Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
- Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
I've been ruminating on this since Dawn's post. It's so hard to narrow it down. You would think I would have had a running list by now since this has been going around for a couple of weeks, but I didn't think anyone would've tagged me. I'm not being overly humble or anything, I just didn't think my writing affected anyone except my husband. Just bear with me, it's part of who I am. I can be really hard on myself (and others--it's a fault I've been working very hard on). Moving on before I get long winded about this. Here are my five:
- Dawn is one of the first blogs I read daily. She always makes me think about the ways I can incorporate the liturgical year into our lives. Her ideas are so doable and fairly easy. She brings simple elegance and beauty to her life and I try to find ways to do that in my house and life.
- I feel like I'm copying Dawn, but I have to say that Melissa Wiley has made me pause and ponder about many things on all of her blogs. I love her outlook on life. I'm sure she has been tagged a million times because she puts out some great stuff.
- I found Left of the Dail through Melissa Wiley when she linked to him on one of her posts. While her husband, Scott, is a liberal, I enjoy reading his blogs. He is very insightful and helps me get a clearer picture of the political picture. And, he posts the list of the military men and women who have died in Iraq and Afghanistan each week. He helps to bring home to me the names of these brave people.
- Alice, at Cottage Blessings not only gives me many craft and tea ideas, but she has helped to invigorate my prayer life. She has helped me to really focus on prayer.
- Last, but not least and (not really last because there are so many wonderful blogs out there that make me think), Minnesota Mom, aka Margaret always makes me stop and think (or laugh). I love her writing and fell in love with it from the first time I read her blog.
Okay, now, that was harder to do than I thought. Thank you again, Dawn. You really made my day!!
KC, thanks so much for the compliment!
Posted by: Melissa Wiley | May 02, 2007 at 03:07 PM