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December 03, 2008


Congratulations! That is wonderful!

congrats and many prayers. I am so hoping that someday I might be blessed again....
love, lisa

Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing for you and your family!

Oh KC what wonderful news. I'll pray this journey lasts a very long time.

Oh KC, here's praying for you and another gift on your journey! Many blessings!

Congratulations KC! We are so happy for you. You and your beautiful baby are in our prayers.

many congratulations, many prayers!


Congratulations, KC, to you and your family. I'm so happy for you. You know that I have had mixed feelings after seeing two pink lines. It can be scary, but it's so worth it. I'll will pray for you every day.

Praying for you always my dear friend!

Oh CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! And you didn't say anything this morning??? What in the world? hahaha Well, I hope you are feeling okay and I hope you have a very easy pregnancy and delivery! Congratulations again!

You know how thrilled I am for you. Your wee one will remain close to me in prayer.

(((Ahhh, KC))) My friend. :' ) OH, how I WISH I could be there to hug you and pray with you in person. Congratulations!

Keeping you and baby and family in my prayers. lois

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