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April 28, 2009


I'm so glad you enjoyed the conference, and the break, KC! (Your sad son got through it ok, too? I am sure he was SO happy when you came back home.) And look who you've got with you there....Hi Cay!!! I know weekends like this can be inspiring and give attendees lots of new ideas and tools to work with.

Hi, KC. Don't we look too cute...and scholarly...w/ our glasses. :-)

It was a wonderful weekend, wasn't it?

I'm still trying to decide what to use your "gift" for. I have a few ideas but I want it meaningful and inspirational everytime I use it and thank of you.

It was lovely to meet you and I'm so glad you had "fun w/out distraction." How cleverly put.:-)

See ya next April.

Hey girlfriend I'm there! I'd love it.

KC, I am so glad you enjoyed the conference. Please let me know if you have a speaker you would like us to invite. I will look at the "someone" you mentioned. All the best to you, Terry Arnold
ARCH chair,

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