I don't know if I have 7 things to talk about. That's why I've been so silent here. I'm still playing catch up in many areas of my life.
I'm in the midst of a spending moratorium. Sort of. I can't seem to stop buying books whenever I see a good one for the children. As for my TBR pile; it's huge. Who knows if I'll ever read all those books. Back to the spending. I'm going to really stop.
This week has gone better. I've made sure to get up early enough to take a shower before it's time to get the kids going. It's made a bit of a difference. Now, if I could only make myself get up to run on the treadmill before the shower. My self-discipline is so lacking.
I'm typing this Thursday night. It's raining. Quite hard. I love sitting here listening to the rain. I just hope it clears up before morning. Unfortunately, our mild weather is leaving us and the colder weather is coming to take its place.
My electricity bill was incredibly high. I know that we had colder than normal temperatures, but still. Our bill was a bit higher than a summer bill. I blame the new meter that was installed against my will. I didn't want it, but I wasn't allowed to say no. And, I have to pay for it for the next 11 years.
I didn't watch the State of the Union address. I don't like listening to him so I usually skim over the transcript. I haven't done it yet though. I'm not sure after reading a few articles if I want to.
See? Not much to say. Have a great weekend, everyone!
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I need to go to the library to get some books for school (recommendations by my professor from my Business Communications class. I know about the meter, one of my best friends that lives in my community called me about her electric bill. Mine was higher than normal, but, like you, I attribute it to the cold snap and the new meter. From what I heard on TV from Oncor, the new meters determine electricity usage better than the old ones so people should set aside more money for electricity. Plus new line rates went into effect here in Killeen through Oncor fyi. That may also have something to do with it. Just wanted to stop in and say hello! :-)
Posted by: Danielle Goedel | January 29, 2010 at 07:05 AM
I am still mad at my latest bill. it cuts into my play money too
Posted by: Emily | January 29, 2010 at 01:42 PM