I haven't done one of these in a long time. I've been feeling like I've had writer's block for a while. Nothing comes up when I sit down to do this. All through the week I'll come up with wonderful things to write about (well, wonderful to me). Anyway, here goes nothing.
I had a birthday this week. It fell on the busiest day for us. Several hours of therapy. Home for a couple of hours then off to ballet. We had dinner at Texas Land and Cattle. I am not a big meat eater, but occasionally I want a steak. So, I indulged in my craving and chose dinner at the steakhouse. I like it well, well done. NO PINK!! The server took me quite seriously and that's what I got.
Me, at 100 days (this is a rerun of the photo but everyone always enjoys it).
Last week, we had Ben's aunts come and visit from Long Island. The weather didn't cooperate much for them though. It was really hot while they were in San Antonio. It did cool off a bit for part of their stay. Then it REALLY cooled off the day they left. We spent some time in downtown Georgetown walking around the town square. It was quite nice. Then we had lunch at the Monument Cafe. It was very yummy.
On Friday we visited the Longhorn Caverns. I have a love affair with caverns. I think they are so fascinating. One time I took the kids when they were littler (we only had three) to 3 different caverns in a span of a few days. When the last tour ended, Sister loudly cheered.
I thought it was interesting that they had a club down in the caverns at one point. There's also graffiti down there from when people carved their names on the rock faces.
We have dates of departure for Ben. Things can change. I'll post on the blog after he has left. We have a whole bunch of fun planned. Great Wolf Lodge is in there somewhere but we don't know the exact dates yet. Gramma will come to visit so she can see her boy. I hope the children will understand that the visit is so she can see her son not necessarily her grandchildren.
I've been busily sewing the costumes for the ballet. We have at least half the court ladies costumes made and the rest will be done in the next couple of days. I have started on the clockmaker's costume and sort of started on the nightingale. I'm really excited to devote a lot of my attention on the nightingale. It will be quite challenging but I'm really excited to do it. I hope it turns out well.
As I was writing out all of our events for the month of May, I realized that we only have 3 more Friday classes before dress rehearsal. I had a momentary panic attack but it has subsided. I know we can do this and it will all look fantastic.
The second book of the Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan came out this past Tuesday. Our copy arrived this evening as we were finishing up dinner. My children are thrilled and can't wait for me to finish so they can read it too. I think I'll need to download the Audible.com copy so Pumpkin can listen to the story. She loves the Riordan books and when I borrowed the audio books from the library she spent hours listening to them.
Please check out more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.
I do love that shot of you:) It was fun reading back over the visit. We did pack a lot in. I am now a firm fan of Whataburger and Five Guys. I've been looking over my pictures and re-living Georgetown and the caverns. Great shots of the french toast with candle. Sorry I didn't get a good one of the Dead Fish. I loved that shrimp! I was thinking later we should have gotten a birthday cake for you and Vivi to share.xoxojpp
Posted by: Judith Powers | May 06, 2011 at 07:03 AM
Love that baby photo. All three of my girls hair did the same thing. Not the boys, just the girls! I lost count of the number of people who asked if I did it on purpose to the oldest.
Posted by: Laura | May 06, 2011 at 06:41 PM
looove your baby pic!
Posted by: Elisa | May 07, 2011 at 08:14 AM
Oh my goodness, KC...that baby pic is the cutest thing ever...and those chubby legs!!!! :) I wanted you to know that we are holding you all in prayer as you prepare for deployment. Hugs.
Posted by: Jennifer in TX | May 09, 2011 at 08:41 AM
I do agree with all the ideas you have presented in your post. They are really convincing and will certainly work.
Posted by: Apparel Inventory System | June 03, 2011 at 01:00 AM